This warm weather today made me think about hiking and story trails. It’s a great way to introduce hiking to kids. It tricks them to go farther walking distances to get to the next sign(page). I love playgrounds, but a storytrail is more enjoyable to me. The nature, the walking, and I enjoy reading.
⛱Hannah Park
6547 Clark State Rd. Gahanna
We love our parks in Gahanna! This park has a nice story trail around the pond. One of our favorite places to fish. And it’s nice to get a little exercise to stretch the legs after sitting and waiting for the fish to bite.

✏️Friendship Park
150 Oklahoma Ave. Gahanna
We love the colored pencil bench. This trail goes through the woods by the creek. Beware, the mosquitoes get really bad in the summer. The trail is wide enough to bike through.

🐝Fancyburg Park
3375 Kioka Ave. Upper Arlington
We haven’t been to this park recently, but I have heard they have changed to monitors. It’s on our list for summer. You can check out the playground amenities here.
🏝Alum Creek Beach
3305 S Old State Rd. Delaware
This story was created by my oldest daughter’s Elementary school before we moved. It is great to pretend you are on vacation at the beach while you’re there. It’s only a few minutes from the Alum Creek Visitor Center and nature trails.

🌳Blendon Woods
4265 E Dublin Granville Rd. Westerville
‘Nose to Toes’ is the current book, hike the 1/3 mile paved trail to the lake.
And check out the Natural Play area, one of our all time favorites.
🌲Sharon Woods
6911 Cleveland Avenue
Our current Story Trail is located along the Oak Openings Trail near the Schrock Lake Restrooms and features the story Stranger in the Woods by Carl R Sams II and Jean Stoick.
PS. The trail is pretty muddy with all the snow melt, so we recommend rain boots for the next few days at least!
And while you are there, check out the Edward S Thomson Nature Preserve. Nice paths for kids to hike.
🐞Dillon State Park
5265 Dillon Hills Drive, Nashport, OH
This is a hike, but if you are in the area or want a roadtrip, here you go! Drive a little farther to visit Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl in Zanesville.