Earth Day
I know, some you have seen. But, these are great reminders. We have added changes along the way. It can be overwhelming, but adding new habits here and there are great!
Also, sharing and explaining ways to help the Earth with your kids helps establish buy in for the family. They are the future. And you know they will be great little reminders, because they don’t forget.
💦Shorter showers, and turn off water while brushing your teeth
💡Turn off lights when leaving the room
👩🏻🌾Plant a garden

🐝Plant flowers for the pollinators
Perennials are my favorite. One and done and come back every year.

🥕Compost veggie scraps
🪡Buy needs, not wants, fix if you can, buy secondhand, borrow items only used infrequently, sell or donate instead of throwing out.
🖌Use a plastic lid or reusable paint trays for paint. Use used containers for crafting instead of buying new.

♨️Put on a sweater instead of turning up the heat
🥤Reusable water bottle instead of plastic disposable bottles
🍿Cloth reusable washable snack bags or washable containers
👄Use washcloths instead of paper napkins
🧻Use hand towels instead of paper towels
🌳Use natural or non chemical cleaners(vinegar is an easy choice)
💡Use LED bulbs
🚗Don’t sit idling in the car, turn it off. Maintain correct tire pressure.
🍴Eat in season foods, but local, have a no meat day
📄Use both sides of paper
I also wanted to share some ways your family can learn and enjoy our planet. It only takes a little effort across some people to make an impact. Just imagine if everyone started doing a few more!
🗒Think Globally, Act Locally
At Ohio Wildlife Center, we bridge the gap between people and wildlife every day as we rescue and rehabilitate Ohio wildlife at our hospital, educate our community, and offer solutions for living in harmony with nature through SCRAM! Wildlife Control.
For ways to celebrate Earth Day in Central Ohio, here are some ideas:
• Go on a wildflower hike and learn about what you find – Ohio Wildflowers
• Host a backyard bird count and list the visiting species you see
• Set up a water source in your yard for animals this summer
• Go on a neighborhood “litter hunt” and collect harmful plastics and trash
• Turn off porch lights and bright outdoor lights to make it safer for birds during spring migration
🌳What can I observe in the outdoors?
There are tons of activities(book readings, crafts, outdoor sensing activities and more!)
🐻Virtual Parks Tours
👍🏻PBS had these fun activities too.