Here are some easy ideas I’ve used over the years. Please let me know your favorites to add to my list.
👍🏻Bubble Wrap Under Rug

👩🏻🍳Brown E’s=Brownies
We gave a friend a special treat for the holiday.

👟Shoes too small
Stuff tissues in the toes of shoes. My middle daughter really thought her feet grew overnight.

🧃Jello juice
I gave my girls juice with lunch, and little did they know that it looked different. It was a good laugh and a great dessert! Another option is to freeze milk.

🕷Spider on toilet paper
Draw a spider on the edge of the toilet paper. It truly does make you look twice.

👀Eyeballs in the fridge
Get that glue gun out and stick eyeballs on items in the fridge.

💩Pretend poop
Take a toilet paper roll and wet and form into a believable shape.

🥕Replace tootsie rolls with carrot sticks and add a fly or spider(those rings from Halloween work great).

*A few other tricks we have tried are Oreos with toothpaste and cupcakes topped with with mustard(or mayo) frosting.
Poop Cookies

⚪️Marshmallow bush by poking marshmallows on the branches
🥸Mustache on faces while they sleep
👨🏻🍳Oreos with toothpaste and cupcakes topped with with mustard(or mayo) frosting