Columbus Park of Roses 💐

Columbus Park of Roses 💐
3901 N High St. Columbus

The roses are in full bloom, get there soon! Did you know they also have a great playground too? Check out the pictures and details below.

🌹A really fun tower to see a beautiful view of the roses

💦A pretty fountain centered in the middle of the park

🐜A great place to have a picnic surrounded in beautiful roses. We liked the little pergola in the secret garden

🚒A firetruck to climb, slide and pretend on

🙌🏽Two tall slides

👍🏻Swings galore

👣A newer playset to climb and slide on

👊🏽A fun little hammock to relax with

🐢Two ponds with a bridge to cross, find some ducks, fish and turtles

🏃🏻‍♀️ Large fields to run and explore



If you walk through the roses and past the tower and continue all the way to the back of the park you will see an opening on the right to the woods to access the creek.  The hill is steep. 

If you walk past the ponds there is a small path through the woods.